  • JFTP::login: Unable to login
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode
  • JFTP::write: Unable to use passive mode



Ostirala, 2012(e)ko maiatza(r)en 11-(e)an 10:52etan Kudeatzailea
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He aquí algunas de las presentaciones que realizó Teresa y que se pueden descargar.

FileDeskribapenaFile size
Download this file (Cajas.pdf)Cajas.pdf 557 Kb
Download this file (Clic! Un retrato fotográfico.pdf)Clic! Un retrato fotográfico.pdf 1351 Kb
Download this file (Mucho más que RETRATOS.pdf)Mucho más que RETRATOS.pdf 737 Kb
Download this file (RetratARTE.pdf)RetratARTE.pdf 280 Kb

Retratos con objetos

Igandea, 2012(e)ko maiatza(r)en 06-(e)an 18:09etan Kudeatzailea
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Material: objetos de clase, cartulina como fondo


Azken eguneratzea ( Ostirala, 2012(e)ko maiatza(r)en 11-(e)an 11:34etan )

Buscando caras en nuestro entorno

Igandea, 2012(e)ko maiatza(r)en 06-(e)an 17:59etan Kudeatzailea
Inprimatu PDF fitxategia
There are no translations available.

Material: ojos, boca ...


Transformaciones y deformaciones

Igandea, 2012(e)ko maiatza(r)en 06-(e)an 17:45etan Kudeatzailea
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Materiales: Fotocopias de  retratos fotográficos de pintores.

FileDeskribapenaFile size
Download this file (Retratos.pdf)Retratos.pdf 2021 Kb
Azken eguneratzea ( Ostirala, 2012(e)ko maiatza(r)en 11-(e)an 11:35etan )


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